Upcoming Events
February 15 - Final Debut Rehearsal (10am-1pm) (Performance at 3pm) February 18 - Debut Show Reveal (Debut Band) 7pm (6:30pm Call Time) February 20 - Orchestra Pre-Assessment Concert 7pm (6:30pm Call Time) February 22 - All-Virginia Band and Orchestra Auditions at JMU February 24 - Woodwind Sectional (Concert 4-5pm, Wind Ensemble 5-6pm) February 24 - Deep Run Roadhouse Spirit Day (11-8) February 25 - Band Pre-Assessment Concert with PMS and QMS 6:30 PM (6pm Call time) March 1 - Show Choir Competition (Debut Band) @ Hanover HS (1:30pm Call Time at Hanover) March 7-8 - Orchestra Assessment @ Godwin HS March 10 - Performing Arts Spring Trip Meeting 6pm in Auditorium March 14 - VBODA Concert Assessment at Atlee HS March 15 - Show Choir Competition (Debut Band) @ Manchester HS (TBD Call Time at Manchester) March 18 - Gelati Celesti Spirit Night (3-9) March 20-21 - All-County Band Event at J.R. Tucker HS March 22 - Show Choir Competition (Debut Band) @ Powhatan HS (3pm Call Time at Powhatan) March 27-31 Performing Arts Spring Trip to Disneyworld! Godwin Marching Eagles Performance Schedule 2024
August 29 - Away Game @ Goochland September 6- Home Game vs. Patrick Henry September 13 - Home Game vs. Atlee September 19- Home Game vs Hanover September 21- Colgan Classic Marching Band Competition September 27- Home Game vs. Hermitage (HOMECOMING) October 4- Away Game @ Tucker October 5- Midlothian Showcase of Bands Competition October 11- Home Game vs. Thomas Jefferson (8th Grade Night) October 19- Godwin Marching Invitational Band Competition October 21- Henrico County Showcase of Bands @ Hermitage October 25- Away Game @ Freeman October 26- VBODA Marching Assessment (Massaponax HS) October 26- Powhatan Fall Classic Marching Band Competition October 31- Home Game vs. Deep Run (Senior Night) |
Regular Marching Band Rehearsal Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 4pm-6pm Home Football Game Schedule
4:00 - Call Time (Rehearsal/Dinner/Dress) 6:40 - Pre-Game Show/National Anthem (Visiting Band) 7:00 - Kick-off 9:30* - Anticipated Game Conclusion 10:00* - Anticipated Pickup Time *Actual times vary due to the length of the game Away Football Game Schedule 4:00 - Call Time (Dinner/Dress) 5:30 - Departure 6:40 - Perform Show/National Anthem 7:00 - Kick-off 10:00* - Anticipated Departure 10:30* - Anticipated Return *Actual times vary due to the length of the game Concert and Symphonic Band Sectionals Schedule
Concert Band 4-5pm Symphonic Band 5-6pm *See Google Calendar for specific sectional dates |
*To view full calendar view on mobile devices, turn device to landscape view.*
If you would like to subscribe to this calendar on your mobile device, simply copy/paste the following ical address into the calendar settings of your device.
ical address: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/godwinbanddirector%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
For iPhones: Go to -> Settings ->Accounts & Passwords ->Add Account ->Other -> Add Subscribed Calendar -> Paste ical address
For Androids: Go to -> Settings -> Accounts -> Add Account -> Subcribe to Calendar -> Paste ical address in Server Address
If you would like to subscribe to this calendar on your mobile device, simply copy/paste the following ical address into the calendar settings of your device.
ical address: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/godwinbanddirector%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
For iPhones: Go to -> Settings ->Accounts & Passwords ->Add Account ->Other -> Add Subscribed Calendar -> Paste ical address
For Androids: Go to -> Settings -> Accounts -> Add Account -> Subcribe to Calendar -> Paste ical address in Server Address